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Upgrade SQList 5.4.1 to .NET 4.6.1


  • this article only applies to SQList version 5.4.1;
  • if you are running a version prior to 5.4.1, you will need to apply all updates up to that version before running this patch; make sure you check all upgrade notes here http://support.axioworks.com/upgrade-notes

The released version of SQList 5.4.1 was compiled with the .NET framework version 4.0.

By default that version does not support the TLS protocol ver. 1.2, and will throw the following errors if you try to connect to a SharePoint site that uses it:

System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel
System.Exception: Failed to retreive authentication cookie from site

If you wish to upgrade your SQList installation to the .NET framework 4.6.1, follow these steps.

  1. If it is running running, stop the SQList Service;
  2. Just as a precaution, take a full backup of the SQList Installation folder and Data folder (by default "C:\Program Files (x86)\AxioWorks\AxioWorks SQList" and "C:\ProgramData\AxioWorks\AxioWorks SQList" respectively);
  3. Just as a precaution, take a full backup of the destination SQL databases;
  4. Download the file SQListUpgradeToDotNet461.zip and save it in a temporary folder, e.g. c:\temp;
  5. Unzip the file, the resulting folder should look like this:
  6. Open a command prompt, ensure that you run it "As Administrator";
  7. Change directory to C:\temp\SQListUpgradeToDotNet461;
  8. Run the batch SQListUpgradeTo461.bat;
  9. Wait for the execution to complete, it should not take more than a second and the result should look like this:
  10. Launch SQList Manager and test your SharePoint connections, ensure they are successful;
  11. If step 8 is successful, start the SQList Service, monitor the log to ensure there are no errors.
  12. You can delete the SQListUpgradeToDotNet461 folder and zip file when done.
If you need any assistance with this procedure, contact us at support@axioworks.com.