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Try AxioWorks SQList Version 6 for free

This article is a step-by-step guide on how to try AxioWorks SQList Version 6 for free. It will take you though all the steps to perform a simple replication. For more advanced replications, see the other articles in this support section.

AxioWorks SQList allows you to expose SharePoint lists and libraries as normalised SQL Server database tables.

Step-by-step guide

Note: this video shows the beta version of SQList 6. Although the beta version has now been retired, the steps shown on the video are still applicable to the released version 6.

1) Download a SQList 30 evaluation from our website

Visit our website at:

Fill the form and submit if; you will receive an email that looks like this:

Scroll down to the download link, and click it to go to the download page.

At the bottom of the download page, you will find the download button. Click it and save the installer (AxioWorks.SQList.FullInstaller(v.x.x.x.x).exe) on your disk.

2) Install SQList

The installation is straight forward, simply launch the the installer downloaded in the previous step.

Proceed with the installation as prompted.

3) Launch SQList and install the trial licence

To launch SQList, launch the Windows search (Win+S) and type "sqlist"; you fill find "AxioWorks SQList Manager".

At the first launch, SQList Manager will require that you install the licence:

Click the "Upload a new licence" button, and copy&paste the licence text from the licence email into the box provided, then click "Submit this licence".

Once submitted, SQList Manager will re-start.

4) Create a new replication

You can now create a new replication! Click the "Create a new replication" button to start the wizard.

The wizard will take you through the following steps.

5) Enter the details to connect to the SharePoint site containing the lists you want to replicate.

You need to fill in the following fields:

  • Connection name: a user-friendly name for this SharePoint connection;
  • Table prefix: a prefix that will be used by SQList to generate table names (no spaces or special characters);
  • Site URL: the URL to the root of the SharePoint site (no pages names, or trailing "/");
  • Authentication type and user credentials: depending on the authentication mode you select, enter the username and password of a user account with at least read access to that site, or proceed with an Office365 web login

Click Next to go to select the type of replication.

6) Select the type of replication

SQList provides two types of replication: Selective and Broad.

With the Selective replication, you can select the precise lists that you want to replicate; with the Broad replication you can export lists by name across sub-sites over multiple levels.

For this case, stick with the default option, a Selective replication, and click Next.

7) Select the lists to replicate

Navigate the tree structure and select the lists you want to replicate by selecting their corresponding checkboxes.

Click Next to enter to the destination database details.

8) Enter the details to connect to the destination SQL Server database.

You need to fill in the following fields:

  1. Connection name: a user-friendly name for this Database connection;
  2. Server name\Instance: the name, and instance if necessary, of the SQL Server;
  3. Database name: the name of the database (the database must exist) into which SQList will replicate the SharePoint lists as tables;
  4. Database Engine: select he version of the destination SQL Server;
  5. User credentials: depending on the authentication mode you select, enter the username and password of a user account with dbo access for that database.

One more step to go, click Next.

9) Save the replication and start SQList

As a last step, give this replication a name and click Finish to get it started.

As soon as you click Finish, SQList will start the replication and SQList Manager will switch to the Service Monitor where you can follow the progress of the replication.

Click the Refresh button to update the event log.

After a few seconds, you destination database will be populated with the data from the SharePoint lists.

10) Check your database, you'll find your list replicated in there!

Switch to your destination database, you will find your tables containing the data from the SharePoint list. SQList will now keep them in sync with all inserts, updates, deletion, and structure changes done to the lists in SharePoint.

And that is it. If you have any difficulties, or would like to give us some feedback (we would really appreciate that!), please contact us at support@axioworks.com