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Select the lists and libraries you would like to replicate

Selective replication as the name suggests is a type of replication where you can replicate a specific set of the lists or the libraries from the sites or subsites. If you decide to go ahead with this type of replication, SQList will show you all the lists and libraries present in the sites and subsites present within the main site.

You can either choose the entire collection of all lists and libraries present in the site by checking the checkbox at the root level or check the checkboxes against specific lists or libraries. But if you want to replicate a specific set of lists or libraries then you can select the lists and libraries from the listed options.

You would be seeing a number beside of the lists and libraries, the number signifies the number of items present in the list or library. For example, Countries list contains around 12 items as content.   

Version 6 of SQList comes with a feature never before which allows you to override the export settings at list level as well. While selecting the lists and libraries for export, you can also maneuver the default export settings or global export settings to suit your requirements. SQList provides a variety of options to cater to almost all types of requirements. The settings range from basic export options to advance export options.

It is worthwhile to note one of the facts of selective replication. If you check the checkbox at the root level which is named as “All Lists and Libraries”, it signifies that you are willing to export all lists and libraries from that site. So, if any list or library is added later then it will be part of replication as well and will be exported to SQL Server. Otherwise, if you just be selective in choosing the list, then only the intended lists will be exported not the lists which will be added in future.